general in Dormitabis Trilogy

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Garvey jumpscare Test animation

Model by Owni

Am I the only one who thinks that Beta Havoc Freddy's textures are better than the final version of Havoc Freddy?

will FNAS 2 Reopened be able to surpass Dormitabis Remastered in terms of views? (read the article)

The Chad Garvey vs The Virgin Garvey

You Don't know what I'm doing

Something for later

You will sleep to decide the pain

Crawlspace Official Demo has been taken down, (this is on purpose!)

I'll see you guys in the finished Crawlspace!

There are good people on this team, Me, Sfd, Taylor, etc. and they have been great friends. I don't think that we deserve to get crucified for being on AAT.

-Mr. Society, Lonarn, Honko, Etc. were NEVER part of the team btw, they're a bunch of sick fucks

Is anyone gonna do an AI Voice of The Remastered Garvey since there is an AI Voice of the OG Garvey?

someone should make a remake or dormitabis called Dormitabis Classic Remastered where the models are just like the original game but the lighting, animation, and textures are the only changes... and bug fixes

Reuploading the post from AAT, nice try society